
The Birth of Benedictine

“I want to bring Chinese herbal medicine to the West. We need to think of herbs as food. Just as you need vitamins and proteins and water, herbs contain essential nutrients and give the body what it needs to heal. I feel it is my destiny to learn all I can and share it with the westerners.” - Martha Benedict
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Immune Support Video

Benedictine Education Specialist, Samaya Cullerton L.Ac. educates our viewers about some of our specialized immune supporting formulas. Check out this short video on our immune supportive products in the time of Covid-19. Washing hands, wearing a mask when social distancing is not possible, and supporting your innate health are all essential for stopping the spread. Stay healthy everyone! 
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Seasonal Allergies and Adaptogens

California has had plenty of rain and snow this year. Most of our beautiful state has been pulled out of the long standing drought. All the moisture is creating super blooms of buds and blossoms. While we are all enjoying the beauty of green lush landscapes which have been brown for many previous seasons, and blooms of epic proportions, those who suffer from seasonal allergies are coping which very high pollen counts.
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Chocolate: A Valentine’s Day Treat

Martha loved chocolate, and actively promoted it’s health benefits. This blog entry is a snippet of her writing on the topic. For more of her writings, see A Pocket Full of Posies. Enjoy!
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The Autumn Blog

As the autumn season rolls in, we at Benedictine Healing Products are very busy producing and educating people on our cold and flu product line. As an Education Specialist, it is often my job to answer questions about our products. This season’s blog we’ll be addressing some of the most commonly asked questions about our products, and some of the reasons our herbal formulas stand out from the competition.
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happy skin, happy spring!

Summer is in full swing, and we have been enjoying the bounty! As an herbalist, I am busy in my garden and kitchen, harvesting, nurturing, and creating. In Chinese medicine, one of our ancient texts, the Nei Jing says this about summertime “luxuriant flowering, the time when the qi of heaven and earth mingle, when ten thousand things fruit and flower.”
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Helpful Hints to Make It Through Menopause and Perimenopause

In our culture, menopause is often considered a four letter word and instead of being discussed openly, many women suffer through the symptoms without much support. Medically, a woman is not considered to be in menopause until they have not had a period for 12 months. The process leading up to that milestone can be significant and can last anywhere from two to ten years starting as early as a woman’s mid-thirties. 
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Helping Your Aging Pet

Many of us consider our pets to be a beloved part of our family and it is as difficult to watch them age as any other member. We are conscientious of how we treat ourselves, but because our beloved animals are unable to speak for themselves, it can be harder to relieve their pain and discomfort when necessary.
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Treating Colds and the Flu

This year the Influenza outbreak has been devastating with many deaths and hospitalizations. Unfortunately, the flu vaccine had a low rate of effectiveness against the mutation of the virus which hit the United States. The immunization field is working on a new type of vaccine, entitled the universal flu vaccine. The goal of such a vaccine is ambitious; however the side effects of such a vaccine are as of yet unknown.
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Winter Season and Digestion

The winter season is considered in traditional Asian medicine, the yin within yin. The attributes of yin are femininity, darkness, coldness, introspectiveness, quiet, calm and slowness. During this time, even our modern world slows down for the winter holidays. From the place of utmost yin, the transformation to yang begins to grow. From the shortest day of winter, the days begin to grow brighter again.
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