For me, this seems like this winter that will never end. In the past couple of days those of us in my part of the country have gotten a taste of spring. The snow is gone and I’ve noticed my garden is greening up. The early crocuses and tulips have started sprouting finally. It’s been a challenge keeping my two year old entertained indoors because she sees the world outside and doesn’t feel cold the way I do. Despite this, warmer months are not far away, and depending on where you live, may have already arrived. This is the time of year where people start thinking about bathing suit weather and whether they feel comfortable enough to bare so much skin.
Of course it goes without saying that exercise is the number one thing needed to tone up and each person must find their motivation on their own. Second is eating a healthy diet with variety. While we can’t help you exercise, we can assist in targeting the unhealthy munchies. Our Diet Aid is specifically designed to take the edge off of out of control impulse snacking. It does not rely on stimulants, caffeine, dehydrating diuretics, or strong purgative herbs common in many commercial products, nor does it contain ephedra. Diet Aid does not increase bowel or urine elimination either.
In order for it to work most effectively, you need to identify when you are about to have an impulse snack. This will most likely be when you are tired, when your blood sugar is low, or when you are on automatic. For many of us, it may be late afternoon or perhaps when we’re vegging in front of the television. You may notice that you feel the need to snack at the same time every day. Instead of immediately grabbing that cookie, take a teaspoon of Diet Aid and wait 20 minutes. It is designed to kick you out of that automatic, reptilian, must eat that now mode. If, after 20 to 30 minutes, you still feel like you want that cookie, help yourself. We have found that Diet Aid is most effective for snapping people out of the automatic snack mode.
If you find you are snacking late at night, then that means your energy is used up for the day and should just go to bed.
Some of our other suggestions to help curb snack cravings include:
- Have a substantial breakfast and lunch that includes protein and vegetables. Dinner should be smaller than the other two. One suggestion would be to cook something extra for dinner and incorporate it into breakfast.
- Rely on protein and vegetables for breakfast instead of the traditional carb-heavy breakfast that Americans tend to favor.