Helping Your Aging Pet

Many of us consider our pets to be a beloved part of our family and it is as difficult to watch them age as any other member. We are conscientious of how we treat ourselves, but because our beloved animals are unable to speak for themselves, it can be harder to relieve their pain and discomfort when necessary.

The pet industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and holistic pet health is a growing subset of this. We at BHP believe that our philosophy for people holds true for our pets as well: that a natural lifestyle, with all things in moderation leads to a happier, healthier pet. We want to help you help your pet to the best possible quality of life throughout their whole life. As our animals age, they are afflicted with many similar problems as we are and to that end, we adapted some of our people products for our pets.

If your experience with your pets has been anything like mine, then they dislike taking their medicines as much as my kids do. Pets can be incredibly sneaky about avoiding something that tastes bad. We had a dog who would eat a chunk of cheese and spit out the medicine hidden inside. Because our products are a liquid, they can easily be mixed in food. We don’t recommend adding them to water, as it isn’t an easy matter of monitoring your pet’s intake that way and the tincture becomes overly diluted.

Here are a few of our products that help provide comfort and relief for our aging pets:

Kidney Bladder Relief

Hormone replacement therapy in pets and they get older can lead to frequent bladder infections. Use this as a preventative, before your pet gets sick.

Immune Boost

Effective for all animals. This can be used long term to help bolster a compromised immune system, or to help prevent illnesses.

Joint Relief

Our pets experience the same joint problems and pain that we do as they age, which can make moving around, going up or down stairs, or even going outside difficult and painful. Joint Relief assists in the safe relief of stiffness, swelling, and joint pain associated with aging and arthritis.

Skin Comfort

Your beloved pet can develop skin problems as they age. This helps to relieve skin irritations including hot, itchy, flaky skin. Use for skin-related allergic reactions or excessive licking. As our dog got older, he became more and more sensitive to seasonal allergies and this helped.


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